General booking info for Shank (aka Shane)

Here you should be able to find all of the information one could need for any bookings, flyers, promos, etc. If you have a question about anything, please drop me a line.

Promotional Info:

Personal/contact info:


No photo may be used without explicit permission from me (Shane)! Please ask, and I will say yes... Thanks!

Shane #1 @ Cloud Factory/Otherworld NYE party, 2002

Shane #2 @ Cloud Factory/Otherworld NYE party, 2002

Shane vs. Amber #1 @ Sniper
(photo courtesy of Jon Ross)

Shane vs. Amber #2 @ Sniper
(photo courtesy of Jon Ross)

DNA Lounge #1

DNA Lounge #2

DNA Lounge #3

DJs can't dance, but we can try and do the robot!

A DJ can be attacked at any time! One must be alert!

    ...go back!